Sunday, 27 November 2011

Spirit Art No.17

This shows a great connection to the source as can be seen from how the tree trunk is straight up and the gold within the circle.  The recipient of this painting is a natural healer who is always willing to listen to other people's problems.  There is a strong catholic connection, which I feel is way back in the family. The is an interest in Egypt.   There is a lot of new growth to be expected and a wealth of old knowlege to surface, which they will protect and be protected from revealing to the wrong people.  They give out unconditional love and during 2012 will come into a new fruitful period expanding their healing into new areas and train for new therapies whilst expanding present knowledge.

Friday, 4 November 2011

One Feather

This young red indian brave presented himself to me with his war paint in order to represent his determination to link and help the recipient of the picture with their new direction.  I was told with 2012 in mind they have a lot of new spiritual work to do and a path was being cleared for them.  He also me that they may well feel totaly confused and unsure about which direction to take at the moment, but things would start to change around the 11th of this month when the change would manifest even stronger than it had previously. The war paint is symbolic in as much as there is a war going on with mother earths fight to preserve herself and bring things back into balance.  The recipient of this picture is very linked to earth energies.