Saturday, 5 February 2011

Spirit Art No.11

The recipitant if this radiates unconditional love, which is given freely wherever it is needed. The are a well grounded person, but on a personal note have not been able to move forward and find this very frustrating. Soon they will be able to make headway and much knowledge will be shared. The intial M links with this peson strongly.  There is much wisdom and ancient knoweldge to be explored. This person is a leader, but needs peace and order in their lives. 

1 comment:

  1. hi 2 all who reading this, this is my drawing and have just received my reading on it and was truly amazed by it, every key point that was drawn was very represental of my life at the moment, very helpful info on my path direction, was very excited by the whole thing, and cant wait 2 hang this on my wall, thanks again, im a happy bunny xx
