Wednesday, 7 December 2011

News of Workshops

As some of you may know we have started facilitating "Sound Healing Workshops" incorporating colour with tibetan bowls, rainsticks and other ancient musical instruments. We are going to be running a course early in the new year in East London. This will be a series of five one day workshops studying in depth how colour can enhance healing and be used in everyday life to give healing, help with studying skills and improve life. I myself meditate on green to lower my blood pressure. Details of all courses will be published before the end of the year and for those who are iinterested there is a one day workshop at the Seekers Trust in Kent on the 11th February 2012. For those interested please email us on or ring + 447927 288904. We are also planning on a beginner course a series of four hours to fit in with those who would rather not be out at night or have children. Again in East London and will probably be from 10 am to 2 pm. If you have any friend who might be interested please do tell them about this.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Spirit Art No.17

This shows a great connection to the source as can be seen from how the tree trunk is straight up and the gold within the circle.  The recipient of this painting is a natural healer who is always willing to listen to other people's problems.  There is a strong catholic connection, which I feel is way back in the family. The is an interest in Egypt.   There is a lot of new growth to be expected and a wealth of old knowlege to surface, which they will protect and be protected from revealing to the wrong people.  They give out unconditional love and during 2012 will come into a new fruitful period expanding their healing into new areas and train for new therapies whilst expanding present knowledge.

Friday, 4 November 2011

One Feather

This young red indian brave presented himself to me with his war paint in order to represent his determination to link and help the recipient of the picture with their new direction.  I was told with 2012 in mind they have a lot of new spiritual work to do and a path was being cleared for them.  He also me that they may well feel totaly confused and unsure about which direction to take at the moment, but things would start to change around the 11th of this month when the change would manifest even stronger than it had previously. The war paint is symbolic in as much as there is a war going on with mother earths fight to preserve herself and bring things back into balance.  The recipient of this picture is very linked to earth energies.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Spirit Art No.16

The recipient of this picture is an eternal Peter Pan. They are young at heart and will remain like into their senior years.  They have had a lot of trials and traumas in their lives, but dealt with them so well that they have been awarded a purple heart.  There is a Catholic Link. There are searching for spiritual knowledge wanting to understand all and give complete unconditional love to those who cross their path.  They have a very healing manner and even if they don't give hands on healing (although I do feel they should investigate this pathway) help many people.  There are many spiritual fruits for them to gather.  The initial M has been tied to the bouquet which comes with lots of love.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Spirit Art No.15

This is a very interesting picture.  The person this is for has two diverse paths or maybe they don two different hats having to juggle with time.  They have a great deal of interest in the esoteric and are linked to earth energy.  A great love of nature and Mother Earth.  They give out a lot of unconditional love and maybe should at time keep some for themselves as they often feel depleted.  There are many spiritual gifts waiting to be plucked.  There is a new time time of abundance due fairly soon and this might be based on property in  some way.  They need peace and order in their lives. I do feel there are several babies who never touch the earth plane within the family.  The tiny hearts show so much love coming to them as does the small posy. There is also either a link to Wales or someone in spirit who loved Tom Jones as I heard the Green Green Grass of home.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Promotes lucid dreams and astral projection

The penguin will promote lucid dreams and astral projects.  So those of you working on dream projects or astral projection will love this little fellow.

I will go down to the sea

Although these aren't spirit art they are the latest way we are funding our proposed sanctuary.  They are power animals for those of you interested in shamanic practices. Each animal is totally handmade with unconditional love. They can be made for either an adult or a child. The dolphin brings the power of breath and sound. The turtle gives one the power to awaken to opportunities, longlevity and embrace motherhood.  We will be adding to these all the time and also available are a penguin, tortoise and a kangaroo family.  Their prices will range from £3 to £15 plus postage.  If you are interested email

Friday, 11 March 2011


This young man and indeed he was when he passed to spirit has come to help the person I am linking with.  He told me that when he was on the earth plane he was a bit of a rum lad and was always getting into scraps.  He worked as a farm hand and spent most of his spare cash in the tavern.  He now knows that this was rather rash and wants to help those who work as hard as he did.  His name is Jasper, but I did feel that that a jasper might be benificial to the reciptant of this picure.  He stays he know what it is like to struggle and work hard.  He also said that this person is very spiritually aware and has a great quest for spiritual improvement and wishes to work with them.  He had a lovely energy and I felt he was very much in  touch with Mother Earth.

Spirit Art No.14

This painting is full of unconditional love.  There are many spiritual gifts to be picked as one can see by the fruits on the tree and it is a time of change for this person as shown by the butterfly, which has a good feel about it.  There is a catholic link which I felt was a guide bringing peace into this persons life.  This person sometimes gives too much of themselves and often wondered if it is appreciated.  There is the symbol of eternal life which shows they have a great trust in spirit,  There is a lot of new growth coming into their lives.  A crab dominates the picture showing a strong cancerian connection and on the right within the circle a very powerful guide.  There are two hearts sent from spirit and the green onthe right in the circle also shows healing given when and where it is needed.. 

Who am I

This lady is related to the recipitant of this reading.  She insisted on being drawn.  Although this lady is a relation she is also a guide and helper and trys to give the receiptant healing whenever possible,  She tells me that when she was on the earth plane she did not have an easy life and had to work hard as does the person I am linking with.  I also feel this lady knew how to stretch funds.  I had he smell of a home made broth whilst I was drawing it, which made me very very hungry.  There was a big family and many mouths to feed. 

Spirit Art No.13

This picture shows an old soul with a quest for spiritual knowledge.  It also shows me a person who gives unconditional love and healing to those they holds dear.  They are very protective to their family and will fight like a lioness to protect them.  There is a time of peace ahead as shown by the small boat the red sail giving energy and the fish shows abundance, but they must be aware of s situation where they could jump out of the frying pan into the fire. The branches of the tree show many spiritual fruits yet to be plucked and I believe there are five beings who are important to this person.  One has flown the coup. There is an Egyptian connection which I felt is a guide and also a connection with a Chinese guide who they knew in a previous life.  The film the Red Balloon indicated that there is a need for more play and a little bit of T.L.C.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Ho Choi

This really gentle soul presented himself to me and told me he was one of the helpers of the lady I was linking to.  He said he had come to help this lady to boost her confidence when dealing with other people.  He also told me this lady had been dealt a rather bad hand and had been supporting family members.  He asked me to tell her to stop worrying and things would improve.  She has to remain positive.  She has supportive friends.  He also said she needs to spend more time in nature and find more time for herself.  He did not give me a name, but told me he used to go from town to town entertaining the people.  He said he died at rather a young age, but wants to share his youth and vitalty with her. He said two words and I am not sure if I am spelling them right, but I am asking for the meanings "Ho choi"  and I have been informed it means "Laughing Buddha"

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Spirit Art No.12

This is an extremely interesting painting it shows the recipitants quest for spiritual knowledge is very powerful, but this person is holding back their own progress at the moment.  I see two guides and one is holding his head in despair, but once they start the working it will be smooth sailing.  There are still other spiritual gifts to be harvested.  There is an Irish catholic link with this person and the name Mark links with them too.  This person is an old soul and they give out unconditional love as if it will go out of fashion.  A truly compasssionate person. This person isnt grounded and needs to do this as there are many things to explore.  There are kisses and flowers from spirit.  There is a time of abundance ahead both spiritual and financially. 

The reason for this blog

I  have set up this blog in order to show people the kind of spiritual art my inspirers channel.  I am also doing readings in  order to raise awareness and funds for a centre my partner Daniel Naughnane (  and myself wish to establish.  Obviously we will need money to fund it and we have a certain amount we can spend on a property.  We are looking for somewhere where there is a building (a bungalow would be ideal or a farmhouse) which supports a parcel of land.  We wish to estabish a centre which offersclasses, workshops, seminars and talks in spiritual awareness.  Therapies at a reasonable price and a healing sanctuary for both humans and our animal friends.  If you would like a reading all money raise is going to found this centre.  Please email or if you would like to donate in some way readings can be paid or via and any donations however small would be gratefully received.  More than that if you know of a property which foots the bill please in box me or email me.  It has to be cheap, but location is immaterial as long as its accessable by public transport.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Spirit Art No.11

The recipitant if this radiates unconditional love, which is given freely wherever it is needed. The are a well grounded person, but on a personal note have not been able to move forward and find this very frustrating. Soon they will be able to make headway and much knowledge will be shared. The intial M links with this peson strongly.  There is much wisdom and ancient knoweldge to be explored. This person is a leader, but needs peace and order in their lives. 

Mui Kwan Hoi

 This very quiet oriental lady presented herself to me and told me she was pleased at working with someone whose own enthusiasm and gentleness matched her own.  She also informed me that her name was Mui Kwan Hoi and even spelt it for me that is to say impressed me with it.  She will assist with healing.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Spirit Painting No.10

This painting is quite amazing in lots of ways and I was quite impressed how spirit managed to link one song with two different singers so that it made sense to the recipitant of this picture.  They also gave a Salford link amongst other things, which is where this person was born.  it shows at at this precise moment  they are confining their spiritual pathway.  It also shows they are being guided towards using colour in their healing.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Spirit Painting No.9

This picture accompanies the previous one and is a very interesting picture as it recipitant is a very spiritual lady and it shows new growth and the formulation of new projects and ventures all full of promise.  It shows great unconditional love, a quest for knowledge and the need for total peace.  I can see two butterflies, an elephant embreyo, a mule and a coyote as well as new talents coming into fruition. Travel is also indicated.  There is also an Irish connection together with a link to Egypt.  Its quite interesting as recently a lot of these paintings have shown very strong connections to Egypt. I wonder why? Just a thought.

Saturday, 15 January 2011


This picture is for a very spiritual lady who live on the Kent coast.  She told me she has come to aid a project which is in its infancy.  She know with support it will grow and flourish.  Moreover the spirit world want this project to be accomplsihed and are willing to help in many manners.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Spirit Art No.8

This is a very interesting picture as it shows a great quest for knowledge and there are still many fruits to be picked.  In other word the recipitant has a lot more avenues to explore.  There are many guides in the picture and a link to Egypt. Things have been very unsettled for this person, but are about to change and the energy is being rekindled.

Fu Kwan Ho

This beautiful chinese soul said he was honoured to be drawn so that the receiptant could link with him.  He said he has come to help with ideas that need to be put into fruition and he will be pleased to do this.  I feel this gentleman was a scholar and has a wealth of informatio to impart and he actual gave me his name. Moreover he spelt it for me. 

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Spirit Art No.7

This beautiful picture was given me for a lady who lives in the West Midlands.  It is a very spiritual picture as it shows a lot of this lady and this lady is always willing to see the persons view point and make compromises.  It also shows new changes coming into her life and a quest for spiritual knowledge. It also shows a catholic link and a strong connection to Egypt.


This young gentleman told me he used to be a pirate and met his death from drowning when his ship was attacked by a rival pirate.  He did not give me a name, but said he would convey it to the recipient with whom he has only just starting working.  He said he has come to aid them with a plan.