Saturday, 9 February 2013

Spirit Art No.31

This picture will be winging its way to Scotland on Monday and the minute I linked into it I felt a immense sadness and this was basically to let me know she passed to spirit at a very early age dying of consumption.  She told me that she has very recently been drawning close to this lady to help with the her healing and alternative therapies.  She also told me there is a team waiting to work with this lady and if she hasn't become interest in herbs she will be drawn that way as there is a lady who incidentally was drowned as a witch although she really was a healing and herbalist.  She again mentioned Glasonbury and in particular the Chalice well.  She told me also the bad times the recipient has had in the recent past wll not re- occur, but would not say more than that except there were new things coming into her life and to look forward not back.  She want to help especially with this lady work as she felt her passing made her understand the suffering and pain.  Again I could get a name, but said she would communicate it to the recipient. I did however feel this lady was a servant as at one point she took me to a room with a very heavy kind of bucket filled with coal and an open fire place.  Mentioning I had to lift that and some of what I breathed in didn't help wit my condition.   

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