This person gave me the same Saul, but I feel I got this name as he feared I would be able to pronounce his own name. He told he he was from the a tribe of Aborgines living in Australia and has come to give support to the recipient. He said he was what we would call a medicine man (as I said I felt he feared that I could not pronounce these words in his language). He said you are looking for some spiritual guidance at the moment and said there are new people crossing your path, which will point you in the right direction. He also told me you thought you had seen spirit and wanted to confirm that it wasn't your imagination. He also told me that you give people healing by listening to them and sometimes you wonder where you get all the answers from (he also would like to help with this). I also felt my tummy doing somersaults whilst I was linking in with you as if you are apprehensive and rather cheesed off with one partcular situation, which has taken it seems to you forever to resolve. This guide/helper has wonderful calming energies and was very much linked to mother earth as tells me you are. He also knew how to harvest herbs for medicinal purposes.
Hi pat he sounds like one of mine. I have a aborigoni bone setter who is amazing with healing bones that have been set wrong. And all joint problems. In dream time they take me to an underground place sons old. From the first peoples the floors and walls are covered in pictures. And I learn from the storytellers. And herbs. Xx sue
ReplyDeleteYou describe how I feel. Stuck and with digestive stomach problems wow. I've used herbs all my life. And have my aromatherapy certs. Your amazing much love sue thomason
ReplyDeleteDaniel has an aborigine guide too and this man has lovely gentle energies
ReplyDeleteI hope i was ok bout this. I feel him around me specially if i reach for biscuites or cake. He is steering me bck to my semi raw diet. With herbs for my stomach. And herbs for others. He is so.nice and calm. I hear his name lots of clicking noises its in my mind but i cannot say it aloud. Weird. Xx sue thomason